Transforming ACO Care Delivery with Luna: 8-Step Guide to Reduce Costs and Enhance Member Outcomes

Explore the transformative power of Lunas physical therapy solutions in our latest guide, “Transforming ACO Care Delivery with Luna: 8-Step Guide to Reduce Costs and Enhance Member Outcomes”. This comprehensive guide delves into the strategic implementation of Luna's model within Accountable Care Organizations, aimed at enhancing healthcare quality while being cost-effective.

Learn about the 8 strategic steps Luna uses to enhance healthcare delivery, from market analysis to reducing unnecessary surgeries, which lead to a 50% decrease in spine surgeries and a 28% lower hospital readmission rate. This guide is essential for health plans and ACO partners aiming to leverage in-home physical therapy for better patient adherence and satisfaction.


Download the free Transform ACO Care with Luna: A Cost-Effective PT Guide