Physical therapy for foot injuries in Cumberland, Georgia

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Meet with the best foot injuries physical therapists in Cumberland, Georgia

Cumberland, Georgia, Luna’s physical therapists are experts in treating patients who have experienced foot or toe injuries of any kind. With proven techniques and personalized exercise routines, our PTs can help you restore mobility, reduce discomfort, and get back on your feet — and back to the activities you love.

Best of all, with Luna, patients can get physical therapy for foot injuries at home, at the office, or at the location of their choosing. It’s physical therapy, delivered.


What is foot injury?

Most people will experience one or more foot, ankle, or toe injuries in their lifetime. Foot injuries can generally be classified into one of two groups: acute injuries and overuse injuries.

Acute injuries are sudden and can be attributed to a single event. These include bruises, puncture wounds, torn tendons or ligaments, and broken bones. Overuse injuries, on the other hand, occur as a result of repetitive motions. Overuse injuries include bursitis, tendonitis, stress fractures, and plantar fasciitis.

Source: U of Michigan Health

Foot injury symptoms

The symptoms of a foot injury will vary depending on the type, cause, and severity of the injury. For example, a puncture wound may cause bleeding and infection, whereas bursitis may cause aches, pain, and swelling.

As a general rule, acute injuries cause sudden and severe pain, while overuse injuries result in a gradual build-up of pain. Any foot injury that doesn’t resolve itself with rest will likely require the attention of a healthcare professional.

The most common symptoms of foot injuries include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Bruising
  • Difficulty bearing weight
  • Deformity

Source: Mayo Clinic


What causes foot injuries?

There are a wide range of potential causes of foot and toe injuries, but certain behaviors or risk factors can make them more likely. Patients are most likely to injure their feet while participating in sports or recreational activities, physical labor, or home improvement projects. Children are at high risk as well, as they are more likely than adults to engage in activities likely to cause foot injuries. As adults lose bone strength with age, their risk will also increase.

Certain sports, including gymnastics, soccer, football, and basketball place patients at a higher risk of suffering a foot injury. Failing to wear the proper shoes during any athletic activity can compound these risks.

The most common causes of foot injuries include:

  • Sudden impact
  • Sudden change in direction
  • Overuse
  • Improper footwear
Source: U of Michigan Health

Physical therapy for foot injuries in Cumberland, Georgia

While many foot injuries will resolve on their own with rest and relaxation, physical therapy is one of the most widely-used treatments for more serious foot injuries. A PT-led exercise, stretching, and massage routine can help patients to restore motion and reduce pain.

A physical therapist can prescribe exercises and stretches that are safe for the patient to perform, gradually increasing the difficulty level to ensure that the injury is not further aggravated. Common foot exercises include ankle pumps, wall stretches, toe raises, calf stretches, and picking up small objects with the toes.

Source: Very Well Health

Frequently asked questions

Where are Luna therapists seeing patients?

Across the Cumberland area, our therapists are at your service for in-home physical therapy sessions. We ensure to reach you in every neighborhood we serve, making it a point to provide physical therapy at your convenience, right in your home.

Is physical therapy covered by insurance?

We've partnered with a wide range of insurance plans, streamlining the benefits verification process for you. When you opt for Luna, your co-pay will consistently match the precise amount specified by your insurance plan for visiting a PT clinic. All major insurances and Medicare are accepted.

Is there a waiting list for new patients?

Not at all—we're committed to ensuring a hassle-free start for patients embarking on their physical therapy journey. New patients are always accommodated, and for most, their first at-home physical therapy session can be scheduled within 48 hours of signing up. Our therapists are available from 6:30 am to 8:30 pm, seven days a week, providing the flexibility to cater to your schedule. Check Availability.

Who are Luna’s physical therapists?

Within Luna, our therapists are highly experienced professionals, each having a minimum of 3 years of practice, often with additional years of experience. Each therapist undergoes a comprehensive interview and thorough background check. We select therapists who are deeply committed to delivering superior care to their patients.

We’ve got your back. Book a PT today.