Do you know how your patients are doing after referring to physical therapy clinics?
When you refer to traditional physical therapy clinics, how do you track how well your patients are healing after they begin their plan of care? In our conversations with other physicians, they reported that they receive faxes with status updates, but
these can be infrequent and cumbersome to sift through. And it can become especially difficult to track if you refer more than 50 patients to physical therapy per quarter.
Until now, there hasn’t been an efficient way for physicians to view their patients’ healing progress. That’s why Luna created a dashboard for physicians who refer to Luna, giving them regular visibility into patient outcomes.
Your weekly dashboard showcases patient outcomes
Luna’s data driven platform generates valuable patient reports, showcasing the health of your patient population. The results are delivered weekly to you within the Luna Physician Dashboard.
- Timely: Sent weekly by secure email
- Relevant: Organized by each physician in the practice
- Insightful: Case distribution, patient demographics, visits by injury type, and more
- Valuable: Pain level and functional scale improvements
- Efficient: Easily view each patient’s status via green, yellow, and red indicators

Luna’s Clinical Dashboard currently includes reports on:
- Case distribution - knee, lower back, hip, neck, shoulder, arm, etc.
- Quality of life at patient intake (excellent to poor)
- % of visits by injury type
- Change in pain level
- Includes trending data (i.e. 71% of patients show clinically important differences in pain scale in the first 5 sessions.)
- Change in PSFS scale
- Includes trending data (i.e. 65% of patients show clinically important differences in PSFS scale in the first 5 sessions.)
- Improvement breakdown within 5 visits by case distribution and % of patients with Minimal Clinically Important Differences (MCID)
- Recent Patients Treated - your patients’ progress over the last 90 days:
- Pain score at intake vs. today
- PSFS score at intake vs. today
- Functional Scale measurement
- Sessions completed vs. pending

Luna leads the way in in-home physical therapy innovation
The Physician Dashboard enables communication and transparency with our partners, leading to a deeper understanding of generating better outcomes.